I'll admit that I'm in love with finding a seat sale, packing my bags and setting out to trot the globe. I'm even more excited when this adventure includes a reunion (amongst meeting new pals) and involves travel companions, both in the seat beside me or those of you virtually waiting for updates and posts.
This wasn't always the case. I always wanted to go to the Caribbean. I always thought that I'd like to visit Europe. The idea of taking a 7 day vacation sounded nice…someday. I used to be captivated by the stories told by others and very happily I lived vicariously for years. But now that I've started, I've discovered that travel adds so much enrichment, value and balance. It leaves me with so many questions while at the same time answering many more. It helps me establish a greater gratitude for the ordinary things in my life, those things that I may have taken for granted before departure.
All this 'going/seeing/doing', has allowed me to become reacquainted with my fundamental goals, values and beliefs. It satisfies not only my desire for knowledge, but also my sociological roots (observing the culture, lifestyles and social trends) and offers a venue for where I can extend my appreciation and admiration of people (all so unique and special). Time and time again, I'm reminded of how little I know (while realizing I've only just begun to explore the art of travel). I find it's more about people than the places I visit truthfully. Although that being said, I've been lucky enough to have visited some really awesome places.
The results from the Weekly Survey Question: when you read a travel blog, your perference would be to
16% of you would like to read a critique of the location, the food, the amenities etc. The rest of you (84%) would rather a story that takes you on the adventure and offers both a critique and the details of people & things to do.
Thanks for taking the time to answer the weekly survey question. It helps with the Google search results status for “Holiday Heidi”. This time your answers provided insight into what you had in mind when reading a travel blog. Not to worry, I will continue to write as I have been. I enjoy sharing the stories of the adventure ... 'taking you with me', as I say.
I've been asked a few times, 'where are you taking me next'?! Gosh, I'll save the details until then, but I've been lucky to have visited: Dominican, Newfoundland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Boston, Montreal, Ottawa, Costa Rica, Cuba, Qatar, The Maritimes (East Coast of Canada), Rochester and most recently Ireland. I have lots of stories for you ... my only limit may be time in amongst working 2-3 jobs necessary to visit my next destination. Be patient and here's hoping it'll be worth the wait.
As far as adventures go, we're still in Newfoundland. I've let you hang at that house party for a few weeks and then surprised you with a post about the "Screech-In" ceremony (complete with video).
My next post will be the one I keep telling you is coming. The post entitled: Newfoundland Rocks will share the stories of my first encounter with a whale, the windy day in the little boats out in the bay and our visit to Twillingate. Plus I'll share the little lessons about pre-departure parties: no matter what time you leave the campfire, you best make sure you catch your return flight home...
Share your comments, your stories, your travel advice etc. in the section below (comments or reaction section) and give your answer to the weekly survey (top right of the blog page). No sign up necessary, just a simple click :) A little shy?! Why not send me an email instead: holidayheidi@hotmail.ca
~Holiday Heidi
Just remembering that last night you were here (for your first visit) - Too funny!!! You just have to also make sure your bag is packed just in case the party that will last all night long :-P AND too funny that we had to call a sober friend to bring us in to the airport. We never learn!!!!! We do it every time you are here - and I love it!!!!! Can't wait to relive the stories of whales and ice bergs <3 (Stephanie)