6 July 2011

A link for cheap travel (and a little stats review)

Hello my fellow travelers!!  How exciting, I came across this web story today that I had to share: Ten ways to Travel very Cheaply (by Donna Freedman, July 04, 2011, http://msn.com/).  It's informative and information I eventually would have blogged about.

In addition to that, I wanted to share some statistical information about this website.  

Blogger.com keeps a log of the stats on my blog.  They're complete with graphs, charts and percentages (all for free). I can check: "now, daily, weekly, monthly and all time" on things like "Overview, Posts, Traffic and Audience".  I love following the stats mainly for two reasons. One, because I'm curious to see who and from where. And second, because every time I check I am more astonished by what I see. 

This Friday (the 8th), will mark the four month anniversary of when I started to bring you along on my travel adventures.  I am humbled, surprised and excited at how much support and interest you have shown.  I have posted a total of 15 blogs thus far (I try to post once per week).  Those posts have been opened in 20 countries around the world and collectively viewed a total of 4001 times.  I thank you.

While I have met a few of you from some of these places, I don't have my own friends in each Country listed (not yet anyhow).  Thank you for sharing with your friends, I hope they're loving the adventure too!! 

You know that by providing your answers in my weekly survey question you drive my status within Google Search. As a result, the "Traffic" stats listed by blogger show that mostly people are searching specifically for 'Holiday Heidi', where others have clicked on my blog while they were searching Google for something else.  (ie: "what to do in Boston", "dominicana", "holiday blog", "all inclusive" etc)

For anyone wishing to share the link, I tried to write a caption that you could 'copy & paste' but a good friend of mine wrote a far superior version on my behalf. 

"I know this crazy adorable woman called Holiday Heidi who works 3 jobs (very competently) so she can travel, and upon return share her adventure with us. She is a compelling writer who adds pictures and videos to help carry the story. We ...all need to meet her dozens of new friends from each trip because she is a strong cord in the knitting that wraps our fragile world together. Oh - and her blog is a 7 minute mini-vacation - just go!"  

It's simple.  I love people, travel, work and writing.  And I have supporting, loving and amazing family & friends ... thank you.

I will continue to write ... it's fun to know that you're packing your bags and coming with me!  Feel free to answer this weeks' weekly survey question, leave a comment and/or send me an email: holidayheidi@hotmail.ca.

~Holiday Heidi


  1. I love it. I'm so proud of you and so happy for over a 4000 views !!!! My bags are packed for your next adventure -------Stephanie-------

  2. Always check if you have all the necessary documents needed when traveling. Get yourself a kit just so you wouldn't miss anything.
