8 September 2011

I'll write - you read and together we'll travel :)

Today (the 8th of September) will mark the seventh month anniversary of when I started to bring you along on my travel adventures.  I am humbled, surprised and excited at how much support and interest you have shown.  I have posted a total of 21 blogs thus far (I try to post once per week).  Those posts have been opened in 38 countries around the world and collectively viewed a total of 5535 times.  I thank you.

Blogger.com keeps a log of the statistics on my blog.  They're complete with graphs, charts and percentages (all for free).  I can check:  "now, daily, weekly, monthly and all time" on things like "Overview, Posts, Traffic and Audience".  I love following the stats, mainly for two reasons.  One, because I'm curious to see who and from where.  And second, because every time I check I am more astonished by what I see.

While I have met a few of you from some of the places (all shown in the picture above), I don't have my own friends in each country listed (not yet anyhow).  Thank you for sharing with your friends, I'm more than happy to bring them along on the adventure too!! 

I will continue to write ... it's fun to know that you're packing your bags and coming with me!  Feel free to answer this week's weekly survey question, leave a comment and/or send me an email:  holidayheidi@hotmail.ca.  

~Holiday Heidi

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss Heidi - keep the stories and adventures coming ;-) Back in Doha and it will be something to look forward to when you post something new!!!! So excited for you to have soooo many countries and people interested in your trips and adventures. We all look forward to your past stories and the many more to be planned. Love & missing you <3 xoox

